Saturday, February 18, 2012

My first KoKo workout

So, last night I was totally exhausted and ended up going to bed at about 8:00!  Couldn't believe it, but I did sleep ALL NIGHT.  We got up early and went to the club for our first workout.  The Smarttrainer placed us on an Intermediate Foundation workout to build our strength and endurance.  This should be about 6 sessions - then the "real" training will begin... Let me tell you... this was quite the workout - even though they call it the foundation, and even though we've worked out for years, the break we've taken took it's toll - even though we have worked out off and on I was taking it quite easy because of the surgery and now I'm "pumping it up"! 

I have quite a bit to learn...especially about the timing of the workout.  I had to change out bars and such several times - then put them right back on again...hopefully I'll get better about knowing when I can leave them on to shave some seconds off the workout.  It times you the entire time.  Today's workout took 43 minutes when the goal is 30.  I had a couple of sets that took WAYYYYY longer than they should have because I stopped to get water, LOL.  I did keep an accuracy of 94% overall - not to bad for a start...This is how you do staying on pace while you lift.  My KoKo score for the session was 968 out of a possible 1000.  That made me happy! 

Overall, I was very pleased with the session.  I'm excited to be trying something new...I'm excited to have the machine keep track of what I've done each session and make the adjustments to help me reach my goal...and I'm excited to be active again - FINALLY! 

I'm still cautiously optimistic that we can keep this going strong - I'll let you know how that works for me :)  .....

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