Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tyler State Park in June

Pepaw and I went out in early June (right after school was out) to try to get some wildflower shots.  Here is what we got! I don't know much about flowers - but I tried to identify some of these...if you KNOW what the names are, or if I have them wrong, PLEASE let me know.  

I think this first is a Stemless Evening Primrose

 Several shots of Texas Plume

 Yucca blooms

These have been identified as Prairie Fleabane (Thanks Pam!)

Just liked the contrast of the bright green vine on the rough, dark bark.

Possibly Prairie Larkspur

These are Dayflowers

Wildflower mix!

I THINK these might be Yellow Gaillardia or possibly Coneflowers?

I know this was in the garden, but I don't recall what type of flower it was.

Texas Lantana

Could this be an Obedient Plant?


 And finally just some random shots of flowers in the wild.

It was a wonderful trip and I can't wait to go back again!


Pam said...

I've been all about identifying wildflowers this year but I can't help you much here because yours are nothing like ours up here! I do recognize the Fleabane though (white daisylike ones). I'll have to look back and see what else you've been up to.

runningmemaw said...

Thank you for visiting again! AND for the identification of the Fleabane...I'll have to update the name. Still enjoying your blog!

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This is about my life. My life as a wife. My life as a mother. My life as a Memaw. My life as a teacher. My life as a runner. My life such as it is.